Let me Tell you a Tail

The Online Store is for people and their loving pets. The owner of this website has had 3 dogs over the last 22 years, and they taught her so much about pets, love and life! Their first dog was abandoned in a suburban neighborhood on an extremely cold December Day. He was a Golden Retriever Yellow Lab mix. He was only 7 weeks old. After his rescue he lived to be 16.5 years old! The second dog was part of a pure-bred litter of Labrador Retrievers and only the 2nd white Lab of the entire litter. She lived to be 12 years old and, sadly, died of K9 Cancer. Our third white Lab mix is now 7 years old and was a throwaway from a puppy farm and was rescued to deliver 11 healthy puppies. She is going to live out her many more years in a loving home with her widowed Mom! Shop and enjoy putting your beloved pet at the top of your list!

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